
Planning and travel toolkit for your upcoming travels to Iran

Your practical guide on how to get visa, travel insurance, SIM card, VPN and MAH tourist debit card for your upcoming trip to Iran. How to book hotels and what local laws, customs and dress code ... Read More


Biketouring Iran Part 2: Sand dunes and desert experiences from Isfahan to Bandar Abbas

The second part of my bike touring blog for Iran. From Isfahan to Bandar Abbas. From sand dunes in vast desert landscapes, under starry skies and rising blood moons to gas station camping and a s... Read More


Biketouring Iran Part 1: Meeting the friendliest people on earth on the road to Isfahan

In this bike touring blog for Iran, I am covering a big country and many miles of cycling. I’ve decided to split the blog post in two parts. In the first part, I’ll bring you from the Armenian bo... Read More


Announcement of a new travel volume: Changing my country list far away from my initial dream

Announcement of a new travel volume. My next countries will be Iran, Pakistan and India. Main planned touring highlights are the desert landscapes of Iran, the Karakoram Highway in Pakistan and t... Read More